
By AllAboutUs

Baby bird rescue

Rich and I were out for a walk at lunch time when a dog came trotting past with a large baby bird in its mouth. The owner said she could not catch the dog, I set off after it and managed to catch it and get the bird out of its mouth. I picked up the bird and put it in some undergrowth and left it to it, it looked a little shocked but okay.

We went back a while later and it was still there with no sign of a parent, but it seemed better and tried to peck me. I took this as a good sign.

During the afternoon, I worked out it was a pigeon chick and rang the SPCA to ask them if I should do anything more. They asked me to go back and check it. I did and it was still there but not looking so good. A magpie was hanging around with a view to having baby chick for tea. I rang the SPCA again, they took the details and said they would send someone and could I cover the bird with a box.

A very very nice lady in a house near-by, provided a shoe box and we actually managed to get baby bird in the box. She offered to look after the bird until the SPCA could come and collect him. She sent me a text later to say they had been and baby bird was still alive. I hope baby bird will be okay, I think being with the SPCA is better than being pecked at by a magpie. Fingers crossed.

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