The Pevensie Dilemma

By PevensieDilemma

But The Ball Went The Other Way...

I was presented with a coaching curve ball today and I think I stretched out sufficiently well to catch it!

It was the first time I'd coached this individual so I had *some* expectations around the direction things might go and that we'd probably spend a fair bit of time simply getting into rapport.

We were only a few minutes in when the ball was thrown, which moved us straight into an hour of pure, undiluted coaching.

Maybe I'm just good at building rapport....

I knew nothing of the subject matter.

I had no experience of being in any similar situation.

And, I had no solution!

These types of sessions are such a blessing to me since I can move into an inquisitive, child like posture and ask great questions!

I ask and then I listen.

I keep asking and I keep listening.

I explore areas where there might be some hindering thinking.

I challenge generalisations (This is a behaviour most of us exhibit when we are stuck or when we are challenged by a situation).

I ask again and I listen again.

And then I catch the ball.

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