
The only word to describe today really.

It's been raining all day pretty much - not that I am complaining, I absolutely love the autumn! It is definitely my favourite season :)

The rain didn't deter me taking the hound to the beach with my friend Liz though. The tide was in so we couldn't actually walk on the sand so we walked on the concrete steps that form part of the sea defence thingie. The sea was mental and we loved it! Right up until an errant wave crashed over the steps and hit me head on, completely soaking the front of me from head to toe, camera included!!! We still weren't put off an carried on walking until Marley decided she'd had enough of the waves soaking her and ran up the stairs into the dunes. Both Liz & I turned to look and that's when another wave hit us both on the back! Liz was soaked all down her back and I was completely soaked through - everywhere!! I was that wet, I had to strip off my waterlogged jeans in the car park as there was no way I could have driven home in them! I wrapped a Dora the Explorer fleece round my bottom half and drove home like that instead :D :D

It made a nice change coming home soaking wet, it's usually the kids we bring home soaked :)

And the camera is fine :D

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