Ed's Blip

By edjackson


I am back under 15 stone for the first time in six years and it feels like a major milestone in my goal to lose a stone in 14 weeks. Ten weeks ago I was 15 stone 9 and have managed to lose a pound a week so I'm on target. I have managed to achieve this with relatively minor changes to my routine :

- Getting out for a walk at lunchtime whenever possible.
- Always walking to and from the station.
- Having an early and light dinner three times a week.
- Only having a sandwich and some fruit at lunch.
- Weighing out my breakfast cereal.
- Not keeping any buscuits in the house.
- Never using the lift at work.

And ignoring all of the above at the weekend so it doesn't feel like a chore.

Many people start weight loss programs in the new year but getting out for a walk is much more appealing when it's not cold so I would say it's best to start in the summer.

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