I'm not one to crow...
But this putting off procrastinating is bloody marvellous!
I got so much done yesterday and it felt great. It also gave me a head start today so as soon as Alan was out the door, instead of sitting down and pondering what needed doing, I got on and did it!
Kitchen tidied, washings on, Tesco shopping delivery put away apart from the stuff that goes on shelves I can't reach. I hate being a short arse! more household admin tackled, phone calls made, diary and calendar updated and the Christmas apologies for using the C word gift suggestions list started!
Someone pinch me, I think I'm dreaming!
No, can't be dreaming as in my dreams I am always in a mad panic because I'm running late and can't find anything and about to miss some REALLY important event like a wedding or a job interview, oh and to add to the nightmare, I'm usually naked!
Nope, I definitely have clothes on so this must be real!
And my reward for being so organised? A spare hour to relax with a cuppa and have a blip catch up.
Go me! :D
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