Webb London Marathon

By Astonwebbo

It now begins!

Hello again,

It has been a while since I last posted an update and I shall explain why!

Firstly I have just returned from a fantastic 10 day break in Morocco so training and updating my blip were not on the top of my To Do list.

Secondly and more worryingly my wrist injury was more serious than I thought, I required two pins in my arm that annoyingly became very infected and put me on antibiotics and have resulted in weekly hospital trips with the latest being today, at which they have given me the all clear to run and therefore train for the London Marathon!

I am therefore about to step up and do this, today I have began advanced talks with a football centre in the hope of arranging a tournament to raise some money and I have set up my fundraising page (see below) and now I have to start running I guess!

So today is really where it all begins, from now on I am limiting my alcohol and burgers, I am making sure I prepare and train correctly so that come April 13th I am ready and able to run for 26 miles!!

See you at the finish line

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