10 Countries Run Day 4 - Rasthaus to Rolduc

The final day of the Club Triumph 10 Countries run. Leaving Germany at 8am we spent the day seemingly jumping from country to country. Germany, France, Germany, Luxembourg, Belgium and finally the Netherlands for our final destination, the Rolduc Monastery. At any one time we kept forgetting which country we were currently in - especially as the borders are often just a single road sign. We feel so lucky to live in a part of the world where we can stumble so easily between countries.

Along the way we had a signing in at the Spa motor racing circuit. We managed to get into the circuit for nothing and spent half an hour watching all sorts of sports cars tackling the famous circuit from the main grandstand with a view of the famous Eau Rouge section of the circuit. An unexpected bonus!

A lovely evening to complete the run with all the drivers and many tales to be told. Can't believe it's over.

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