Birthday blast

Here's the birthday lowdown:

I had tea and presents in bed before Tess went back to school for the first day after the summer break, then the morning was mostly about HMRC.
They had written to me telling me I'd underpaid staff National Insurance and tax last wage year, so I had paid the difference. They then told me I still owed them the original amount so I paid them again while I looked into it but then received a 3rd and this time really threatening letter to say the whole amount was still due.
So, because I hate telephones, I found all the paperwork, bank statements and letters and wrote a blow by blow account of everything paid, sent and demanded and left Richard to phone HMRC while I got ready for a bike ride. I'd worked out everything just fine, it turns out and - as I thought - HMRC had fucked up and they owe us money. I wish I could threaten to take someone to court and give them a sleepless night like they did to me...

I had a phone call from my sister Hannah in Australia, which was much more cheery, and eventually we got going on our bikes. Gemma and Joel were happy to come too which was really nice.

I amused myself by taking (or trying to take) photos from my bike and giggling at my efforts, and the weather was way better than had been forecast. The ride was full of fluffy clouds and sandpipers, sunshine and blackberries. Oh, and Richard and Joel making far too much fuss about Joel's chain coming off.

When we got home, Mum came round, so we had birthday cake, and - of course - it being my birthday I had to sit in the garden with a cup of tea and do nothing for an hour while Richard took Tess for her swimming lesson. It was really warm and sunny and just blooming lovely.

This evening we went to the pub for dinner and drank shed loads of red wine.
I can't decide on a photo from today but this one of my birthday bike will do.

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