A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

All shut up

I suspected our new shutters would become an emergency blip one day; I just did expect it to be longer than a week. Oh well, here they are and very lovely they are too. And with built in black out blinds they are creating a very restful bedroom. Which is good as I am in need of an early night. Can't quite work out if my sniffing and sore throat is a cold coming or an allergic reaction but either way I hope a good sleep will help.

Brief summary of day: catch-up coffee with friend, work, tidy, collect kids, bit more work, make dinner, take kids out for their evening cycle / skateboard. Turns out rain is no deterrent; as J said, "if we were real puppies you would have to take us out what ever the weather." Couldn't really argue with that.

Lesley x

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