mass extroversion

It's very easy to overdo the town centre at this time of year and I'd been thinking about which route home would be the most peaceful when David77 texted a notification of his presence amongst the flyering hordes. I finished up as quickly as responsibility allowed and trundled up to find him, eventually having to ring to find out where he was when he turned out to not be able to correctly name the different portions of the Royal Mile. He already had his shot of the pretend-tea-drinking gent-type but a pottering natter is always enjoyable. Luckily just after it started to rain VERY VERY SLIGHTLY his wife arrived with his umbrella to shield him from the sky's cruel moisture. After popping back to work to pick up my bag, wisely left in my locker to halve the amount of floorspace required on the busy pavement I headed home, catching and chatting with an about-to-head-off-on-holiday EcoDad on the way, persuading him to remove the large coat he was wearing even though it had since stopped raining and was again horrifyingly muggy. As he's heading north he won't feel the benefit if he wanders around the warm city all togged-up.

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