Global Attitude

By GlobalAttitude

Dinner For One

How pathetic is that?

My day:
6:20-7:00 wake up, shower, dress
7:00-7:30 get kids out the door with lunches, etc
8:00 sign some tax papers at government office
8:30 sit in traffic an hour to go 8k to work
9:30 finally in the office with long to-do list
most of morning deal with unplanned work issues
13:00-13:20 eat first meal of the day (veggies & egg)
19:00 still in office, having accomplished little of my original to-do list when text from friend reminds me it's parent night at school for child #3
19:30 arrive late at parent meeting, having raced from office
21:00 get home with youngest already asleep and other kids ready to say goodnight
21:30 eat dinner alone (salmon, carrots, guacamole), check personal emails, clean the mess left by everyone else in the kitchen
22:30 collapse a new day and we try to make it better :)

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