
By Digitalies

Kind Regards, Ryan Mullen

I wrote a letter today that I have been putting off for a little while. It was hard to write but it was inevitable.

I guess it was just another bridge that had to be metaphorically burned for the next chapter to begin.

I found the first strokes album while rummaging about yesterday. I had it blaring from cover to cover, twice this morning.

It really took me back to when it came out and I was 16/17, so naturally I have loads of adolescent memories/dreams that are soundtracked by it (and a few others).

I thought about loads of stuff that I hadn't thought about in ages. I guess music brings the nostalgic out in all of us.

But it got me thinking about those hopes and dreams I had as young man, like what I wanted to achieve, what my life would be like and where I would end up.

One things for sure - I was waaaayyy off!

(But in the best way possible)

Life is good.

Kind Regards


Is this it ...

Can't you see I'm trying?
I don't even like it. I just lied to
Get to your apartment, now I'm staying
Here just for a while
I can't think 'cause I'm just way too tired

Is this it?
Is this it?
Is this... it?

Said they'd give you anything you ever wanted
When they lied, I knew it was just stable children
Trying hard not to realize I was sitting right behind them

Oh dear, can't you see? It's them it's not me
We're not enemies; We just disagree
If I was like them all pissed in this bar
He changes his mind, says I went too far
We all disagree
I think we should disagree, yeah

Is this it
Is this it
Is this it

Can't you see I'm trying?
I don't even like it. I just lied to
Get to your apartment, now I'm staying
Here just for a while
I can't think 'cause I'm just way too tired

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