
Yap..Off with the B team today. The Boss needed to go walking after grinding his teeth watching the Americas Cup this morning when elation with 3 wins turned to shock when we lost one race. Boy this stuff seems to be a very close thing and he sure couldn’t figure out what they did wrong except not win.
Well we went out on The Hawea Back Road which is a lovely shingle road that runs along the back of the valley and affords some great views. I enjoyed the walk but by the time we got back to Suzz I was totally stuffed exhausted as the road is used by the local farmers for shifting sheep and there was an immediate conflict of interest between The Boss and ME as to how many times I needed to stop and he needed to tweak my lead instead. It really did smell delicious I thought. The Boss thought the Dark Chocolate Truffles with Rum and Brandy at The Café later smelt a lot better and traded bits of his Ginger Crunch with “D” for samples of hers. I slept in Suzz through this but was updated by Tiny as The Boss had his camera pak out today rather than his normal walking one. He said he was “practising”. Can’t imagine what for.
Thank goodness there is no racing tomoro. The tension is uncomfortable.
No doubt footie followers understand this but this is a Nation thing not just a club thing , The Boss says.
The pic is on the way back and altho he took his full camera kit this picture is taken with his ithing again. He said that was practise too.

Pedal to the metal?

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