So that's where you store all my treats

Since I took some photos of Rosie earlier today I've been busy getting everything ready for tomorrow's full day's meeting. So busy even that I'd nearly forgotten I hadn't posted my blip yet! Rosie knows this box very well as she gets a treat out of it each day and she comes running the moment I open it up.

Rain is forecast for tomorrow afternoon so whether I'll be able to eat my sandwiches and look for a blip at the nearby park at lunch time will depend on when exactly the rain will reach us.

I managed to get several hours of sleep last night. Not enough as I still feel very tired but at least the sleep was uninterrupted this time. I'm also making some slow progress with my cold as I've been able to breathe through my nose nearly the whole day. I'm still having coughing fits but they've become a little less frequent and haven't lasted as long as they have before.

Thank you so much for the comments and the stars on my butterfly blip from yesterday.

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