
By Veraluna

The empty Wall

Today we visited my Swiss friends and photographers of the old school that are going to leave Saint Petersburg after 18 years.... Heidi is leaving tomorrow in the morning by car, Regina a week later - with the cat Jenny by plane. We have been friends for about 14 years I guess. The last view years we met only rarely but it was still good to know that they are still here, as so many expats left, since I came here in 1998.... Well, know Heidi and Regina are leaving, too. They had enough of the short summer that are sometimes even not really warm and so they are going to Sardinia.

Today there was a good-bye at their almost empty and very white, but not only white flats. The books and things are gone, the pictures are put off the walls and you can see only a shadow on the empty place, there they used to hang for almost 18 years.

Sunny and warm today, about 20°C.

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