On the bike trail

Al and I had an excellent adventure on a bike trail we just discovered....

We planned to get up at 6 a.m. to be on the road by 6:30....that didn't happen because SOMEONE (me) didn't set the clocks right after the power went off yesterday.

So an hour and a half later, we woke up and headed out for the one hour drive to our destination.

Seems as if we were the only ones who had this idea today...there was one biker leaving as we arrived, and no one else in sight. The bike trail used to be a railroad right of way, and so was pretty flat and straight, and went through marshes, farmland and forest for 10 miles to the next town.

We had a small picnic of bananas and energy drinks, then headed back to our starting point. It was a beautiful ride, probably the easiest 20 miles I've ever ridden...but totally enjoyable!

This little garter snake was trying to sun himself on the pavement, and never moved as we rode towards and beyond him...so I stopped for a quick pic, and he very nicely obliged!!

We stopped for a late breakfast at a local family restaurant, and both decided the morning just couldn't have been any better!!

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