Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Pahhhh it was all about HER ...

Lucy Locket is off to University in Manchester .... Lucy being the beauty shoved to the front of the line ... Behind her are the three witches and me .... ;)
Left to right GTI ( a nurse ) NOD ( a nurse and mother of Lucy) lovely little me ( not a nurse .. I hate people) and Hunchback (a nurse ) ... If you are ill on a girls weekend away they are actually not that useful as usually they are drunk. Mind you they did once help DDLC and we ended up at Bournemouth A&E .. Not from Warwickshire we were in Swannage on a girls weekend and DDLC had a heart attack .. Well I thought it was a heart attack but then I was puddled on cocktails .. Anyway all I had for tea the night that DDLC went to the hospital was a packet of revels .... She is SO selfish and she was sick on the desk at the nurses station so they put her on a gurney and shipped her off ....... I wanted a McDonalds ...... As well you all know she is not dead .......
Plus I never did get my dinner.
So we had a lovely time wishing Lucy well I have sent her off with the sound advice of don't get V.D or warts ... Funny,she just sighed and rolled her eyes... Rude .

Good luck beautiful Lucy ... Have fun and do NOT do anyone else's washing up ....

( she reads my blips) x

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