Country Idyll

We are sitting in the reception area of Hotel Varmilid, the biggest place in this village of 140 people, with a few minutes to spare before our dinner reservation. The hotel espouses the local food movement, and it was tempting to take photos of what we're served, and blip one of them, but we're also in the heart of Icelandic horse country, hence my choice today.

These two are part of the 100-strong herd at Lytingsstadir, where we are staying in a tiny, cozy cottage and tomorrow will take a 2-hour ride on two from that herd, accompanied by Evelyn, the farm's co-owner. I haven't ridden a horse for 45 years, so it will be interesting to see how I get along -- and if I'll be able to walk when I dismount!

We slept soundly last night, despite the fierce rain and wind that began after we were settled in, and are looking forward to a concert at the farm of Latvian medieval music later this evening -- an impromptu event, apparently, and one not to be missed!

I was unable to write much yesterday, but I do want to add here what a marvelous time we had yesterday with Agnes, Arni, and Berglind, people we never would had known had it not been for Blipfoto! I can't think when I've laughed so much, and we're looking forward to time with Agnes (AgnesSkula on Blip; her journal is Now Is All You Have) and Berglind (bergfoto/The colors of the rainbow) again on Wednesday, when they are taking us to two wonderful natural sites in this region -- the huge waterfall Godafoss and Lake Myvatn. (You can see those words spelled properly in Icelandic and linked to their websites on Agnes' journal entry for 7 September.)

Our table is ready -- goodbye for now!

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