Life through the lens...

By ValC

Freedom of the Town.

We had some spectacular views on our walk today, and perfect clear weather, but guess who left her camera in the car!!!!!

However when we were just setting off back, all traffic was stopped in the town centre. We could here a band playing. They marched past, followed by soldiers, cadets, several flags, the Lord Mayor, and many local people. Crowds had gathered to watch. and we wondered what the special occasion was.
(Quick photo taken through the car window.)

Well thanks to Google I found out!

Today the Yorkshire Regiment was given the Freedom of Barnoldswick, in Lancashire, during a rededication ceremony of the town War Memorial.

You may think this strange, a Yorkshire regiment in a Lancashire town, but prior to the 1974 provisions of the Local Government Act 1972 Barnoldswick was part of the West Riding of Yorkshire.
( many of the local people don't like the fact that they have been moved into Lancashire!!)

The Council unanimously agreed to grant the honour because more than one third of the 317 names listed on the memorial were servicemen who died serving under Yorkshire based regiments during the 1st and 2nd World Wars.

The chairman of the council said
"It is not an attempt to restart the Wars of the Roses. When these men died Barnoldswick was part of Yorkshire."

(There had been some complaints from the Lancashire Regiment!)
However the cadets form the Lancashire Regiment were marching along as well so hopefully everyone is friends again!!

The walk was along the Leeds Liverpool canal, then up hill, and down dale, and eventually after 9 miles back to the car, and home.

Tired now, and enjoying tea and cake!

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