September Challenge - Polished/Creation

Day 6 of DDW's September daily challenge - Polished and a dip into HeartFreek's challenge - Creation.

A different Friday for me today as I had a day off since I am working on Saturday.

I took my son into town to get him some new clothes, these trips are always "interesting", and I had a repeat of having to send him to the Gents to check his size by looking at the labels in what he was wearing.

We had a couple of examples of "mis-labelling" by 2 stores. In the first the cashier refused to do anything about it, but the manageress did make a refund, since there was practically nothing under the huge 50% sign that was actually reduced. So, well done BHS, issue resolved in-store.

In the second, in a well-known chain of electrical/electronic parts stores, they were advertising anything with a pink tag was on a Buy One Get One Free offer, so I chose what we needed and got my extras as well, all pink tagged. At the checkout they declared that they weren't included in the offer. After some discussion, and me taking photos of the offending signage, I reduced what I was buying and left.

Once home I composed a very strong email, which I initially posted on their Facebook page (3 times as it kept 'disappearing'), and then after a little Googling sent it to their CEO, Commercial Director (they don't appear to have a Customer Relations Director) and their "Customer Care" department. I gave them 3 trading days to respond before going to Trading Standards.

I also looked up their Customer Service number on as I refuse to pay premium rates to make a complaint (why should they receive a cut of the call cost when dealing with complaints) and told them to make sure it was dealt with urgently not with their advertised 3 working days (which would have been 5 days).

5 minutes after that call I had an email from the Commercial Director saying he was looking into it and would be in touch again this evening. 30 minutes later I had a further email, admitting it was their error, that I should have been offered them on the BOGOF in the store and offering a £30 voucher as compensation.

Certainly makes it worthwhile going straight to the top, and bypassing the Customer Service people who are only empowered to give a lawyer sanitised, meaningless statement that doesn't admit any responsibility and carry out damage limitation. So hats off to him for his quick and full response.

On to today's blip. I couldn't get anything to tie in from our adventures above, but the smallest members of the Woodman clan have been busy with this very shiny, polished paperweight, and at the same time having a lesson on the Western Spiral arm of the Galaxy, all part of Creation.

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