
By bigred1977

Coffee Set.....

So here is a picture of my coffee set which formed part of my Cermaics degree that I completed...... 10 years ago( now that bit is real scary !!! at the Glasgow School of Art) We shipped it over from Scotland at it made it almost complete, one of the saucers got a wee bit chipped!!!

So why is it todays blip ? Well its because I've not seen anything blip worthy, I've just got in from work & I'm really tired......I feel like alot of the time I'm just blipping for the sake of it....not because I have an picture I'm really happy with. I want to try and make it to a full blip year but its getting very hard to come up something everyday when most week days are very similar !!!

Anyways rant over...hopefully I'll get my blip mojo back soon....if I ever had it in the first place !!!

Edit: that really is quiet a negative post....I didn't mean to sound so whiny hopefully other blippers out there can sympathise....ithe whole 365 blip thing is harder than it seems!!!!

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