Hottest day of the year

Today has been the hottest day of the summer. It peaked out at 93 degrees Fahrenheit with a comfort index of 104 degrees. Perfectly oxymoron if I ever heard one! I dislike hot weather, and that is an understatement, so this has been the greatest summer I can remember with temperatures in the 70s and 80s most of the time. Today, however, was an exception.

Because of the heat, I suggested a walk at Headlands State Park on Lake Erie. I figured there would at least be a little breeze there, and there was. There were also thousands of people! Bob walked Gulliver in the dog friendly area while I wandered down a trail through the nature preserve to the beach. As I walked along the beach, Lake Erie lapped at my feet...the coolest I had been all day.

I tried to upload a few other pictures to Smugmug, so I could post a link to them, but they are experiencing a "temporary service problem." Maybe I can post the link with tomorrow's blip instead. Here is today's picture in large.

So this is goodnight from Ohio on an extremely hot and muggy day on the north coast of America. I hope your Sunday has been a good one.

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