or, my, doesn't it show someones made the effort to connect thier bluetooth keyboard tonight??

Mr nut is a very perfect child in some regards; for instance, he has taught himself to read the word 'cafe'. He likes them see, he prefers costa over starbucks and caffe Nero over Costa. See how he has the order correct? Even though he doesn't drink coffee and therefore might be rating them with other criteria like bendy straws (costa take note: it is very hard for someone already quite small to drink their authentic italian latte* with a straight straw)

It gives me a powerful ally in my constant crusade to get me to a coffee house, you might not how Jim has now seen the light and bought himself a nice coffee. yum.

Anyway, we visited Winchester and did the favourite winchester things and then we did our shopping at Badger Farm and the Nut found the most glorious thing: angrybird Star Wars series 3 has arrived. damnation! I have only just rejoiced in my bag squishing days being over
Damnation! It isn't even proper starwars, it's the abomination prequel characters!
Triple Damnation! He got jarjar binks. What a vile decapitated toothed beaked bird it is! with snail eyes! Oh, how I hate you jarjar. Let me count the ways.

No actually I don't have time.

Anyway, I walked into southampton when we got home as the young master has set his heart upon a octomat suit for dashi dog (it comes with kwazzi, but apparently this is all wrong and not good enough octonauts) and its a toys R us exclusive and will undoubtedly sell out before christmas if I don't get it. I also bagged a lot of good stuff from sainsburies half price shit-yo-nut-likes sale. Half price hero factory lego/spiderman/starwars? yes pls. Christmas shopping. Bring it on.

*that's milk.

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