horns of wilmington's cow

By anth


Obloquy n. Public condemnation, and/or the ensuing disgrace.

Just look at this aristocratic peeeeeeg! Revolution against sorts like this was the perfect public condemnation. After all, we don't need types like this at the Leeds Museum...

Rather scarily I think Iain (one of the friends I'm down here with) actually suits this a little bit...

The cricket ended rather predictably, although we put up a little bit more of a fight than had been expected. It did give us most of the day to kill, but the trains to the originally planned Knaresborough were slightly awkward, so we wound up in Leeds wandering until going to Akbars for the best curry in the land.

It does leave us a slight problem in that the train north was booked for 8pm tomorrow night. We're going to see if we can change that (although it's not exchangeable according to the ticket) so we might end up in Knresborough anyway...

A number between 1 and 165 for the page, and 1 and 4 for the paragraph, to get tomorrow's word (although I realise it''s now late so I might end up having to choose one!)

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