Kitty's Log: 7/9/13, dinner o'clock

Good afternoon, my fellow felines.

I've hijacked Annie's computer because I want to register my displeasure about how this weekend is going, and I'm getting no sympathy in the house. Annie left on Friday to go see her friend and somehow forgot to take me along. *tail swish*

While the other people are decent providers, they're not exactly well-trained. I think S is the only one who speaks Cat, and for some reason I think she's feigning ignorance. This morning I repeated 'roast chicken' a full ten times in my clearest meow, but to no avail. Dry food was all I got.

The biggest human did let me sleep on my granny's comfortable recliner for a while, though, which *stretches* did make up for the lack of Temptations flying around today.

He's going out in the garden now, and despite the cold and wet and the ready supply of chairs I could be sitting on, I have to go and supervise. He's far too lenient on the pigeons and those cabbage-white butterflies.

I'd better be getting that chicken tonight.

Whiling away the hours until Annie gets back and brings me a present (she'd better),

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