But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave

Undercover Author.

Today we heard that The Old Lady's house has now been handed over to the new owners. Like Mafeking, we are all relieved.

The Old Man earned his crust as an author. I have one of his books before me as I write; it is entitled, "Maintenance Manual for the Bristol Type 170 Aircraft, Volume 2, Preliminary Issue." written in 1947. While it is rather a dry volume, it does have its place in the English literature. The 170 was known as the "Wayfarer" and was a twin engined wide-bodied transporter which finally went out of service in 2004. The labour of researching and writing such epistles paid pretty well so I was somewhat surprised to come across a folder (while clearing out the house) containing a course on creative writing, complete with all his homework.

"Typist's Error" is one such piece, the remit being to write a story suitable for publication in "Women's Weekly" (I used to read it for "The Robin Family" which was still going strong last time I looked at an issue). History does not relate whether it was published in that august journal, or even if it was submitted. As an example of the genre, I suppose it isn't bad; but I only read to the very end because I felt a certain curiosity about it.
You will notice that he has even devised a suitable pseudonym.

I’ve just posted yesterday’s blip. “Woodland Walk.”

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