
By TitsMcGee


Today, my so called "intelligent" daughter, who had to pass special exams to get into her school, forgot her lunch.

So being the "perfect" parent off a toddled in my lunch hour to give it to her.

As she was still in class I had to leave it in student services.

"Oh" they said, "she had a little fainting moment in assembly."

My unspoken question, why didn't you let us know?

" let's check my mobile no. and work no. Just call me if any problems." I did say

Hmmmmm, not a complicated request I thought,

Next thing I know, phone call from Mr McGee informing me he has collected daughter after a phone call from school!!!'

Obviously, don't need to pass any special exams to work there!!!


Anyway after a quick sleep, teenager has awoken from the dead.

Apparently 2 days at school is enough.

So, she very kindly brushed the pooch.

Soooooooooooooooooo much hair, I may knit a blanket for the winter......any buyers???

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