Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Just throw it ...

In the meantime I shall blow my nose on my tongue ....
I don't really think the dog is saying that but sometimes this rubbish I write just flows out.
My headache has returned ... I have a rant ...
For the love of sweet Harrods I want people to stop fucking bloody bloody telling me how I can stop the migraines I have had since I was 15 ... I KNOW WHAT bloody bloody fucking causes them .... Do people honestly think I have not been given everything in the known medical world and also non medical world to help ???? SHUT UP SHUT UP ..

No it's not diet.
No it's not caffeine .. Nor cheese ...
It's hormones plain and simple ... And NO stuffing fake hormones in does not work ...

Ok I have finished ...

On another note I have a new BFF .. DSL is her name and she is responsible for birthing Velvet bog eyes who lives next door ... I think she wishes I was her girl ... I could tell ;)

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