
By CharlotteJ

Culinary Creation’

For HeartFreeks September Challenge – Creation

We have had such a wonderful day! I am about to ramble…..

We got up early and headed to Nicosia, a place I have wanted to visit for as long as I can remember! My dad was stationed in Nicosia in 1957 before he married my mum and after he married my mum. My mum joined him in Nicosia three months after being married at the tender age of 19. I wonder what she thought when she arrived all those years ago. We had a lovely wonder around and crossed the border into Turkey and had a wonderful mooch there. I got chatting to a Turkish man…I was trying to pluck up the courage to ask for a photo. He had photos of his granddaughter, about 3 years old called Dennis! We had a chat about Dennis being a man’s name but he told me it means sea with big waves – how sweet! He asked me my purpose of visit, I told him my Dad was stationed with the RAF in 1957, and he smiled and said ‘to make the Greeks behave?’ I smiled and with a little chuckle said ‘no comment’; he chuckled and said ‘you are wise’. He asked if Dad was ‘still of this life’, I confirmed he was, he said ‘50 years is a long time, I wish him well’. We chatted a little longer about his recent trip to Southampton…I didn’t ask for the photo, that photo is in my memory forever!

I wanted to find my parents old house but after a 45 minute confusion with traffic and Mum giving me a slightly wrong address we decided to head back to our lovely villa. However, we took a little turning that said ‘Beach Restaurant’, 5mins down a dirt track…., Oh wow, oh wow!! I got to choose my own freshly caught fish!! It cannot be called a restaurant really, it has plastic table and chairs, a port a loo, its casual, its original, its basic, but it’s just out of this world! My dinner served by the guys who caught the fish….. EXCELLENT!

Mum text me, she found the right spelling of her old address and after a quick Google search, we are going back to Nicosia tomorrow – the road still exists!! I hope the house still stands; I want Dad to see his old house and recall happy memories. Going back is important to me…it’s just over an hour’s drive, we can tie it in with sightseeing

My blip tonight for the challenge is therefore ‘Culinary Creation’. In three nights I have had two outstanding sea bass meals!!


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