Impoftheyard's photos

By impoftheyard

Happy blipday to me...

Gosh! 200 already! I was addicted from day 1. What am I addicted to? Well I think it's all of you, your wonderful images and comments.

Thanks, as ever to the team at Blipcentral. I thought I would celebrate by saying what I value so much about this site.

- It is designed in a way that everyone can gain something from it, whether they use it primarily as a record of their day, or a a place to strive to improve images and skills or just a way to keep in touch with distant friends/family.
- I love the blipday celebrations as they make the site more inclusive and encourage all of us to go and look at the images of people whose journals we may have missed, as well as to show our appreciation of those journals we love.
- I love the sense of community here and the encouragement from all of you. I have learned so much and look forward to learning more.

Many thanks for the encouragement I've had from you all about my job interview in recent days. Sorry for all the cramps and inconvenience of keeping all limbs and digits crossed. I'm hoping that I'll find out tomorrow and that we can all get some circulation back.

Hope you're having a great weekend all!

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