The spider's diamonds

The forecast was absolutely right. Rain. Lashings of it. Especially this morning when I went for my swim in the outdoor pool. I thought I would have it to myself, but there were several other people enjoying the sensation of raindrops falling and it not mattering one jot. One of the new guys had even got flippers !!! I ask you - in a swimming pool...... he'll get fed up of this exercise lark.

The garden needed it. I had a gentle walk round with the macro lens after I had finished a bit of a catch up. Phone calls, emails and mail etc. I even cut a slice of the courgette loaf I made yesterday (from Mary Berry's recipe). I had a bit of a culinary slip up. I put in the teaspoon of c......n (but looked in horror to find I'd put cumin and not cinnamon. I scraped as much as I could out and replaced it with the right stuff) Phew - got away with it.

Roses and raindrops, buddleia and raindrops. But I wanted something a bit different.

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