
By Norzarellie


I went down to the school to sort out some excursion notes and as I walked back towards the car I noticed a couple of Pee Wees lining their nest. Didn't have the camera on me at the time but came back about half an hour later and one of them was still going. The Magpie-Lark, more commonly known as the Peewee has no relationship with either the magpie or lark. It is distinctively smaller, with more amount of white, than a magpie although often confused with them. They are found throughout Australia, Southern New Guinea and Timor.

The Magpie-lark is mostly ground-dwelling, and is usually seen slowly searching on the ground for a variety of insects and their larvae, as well as earthworms and freshwater invertebrates.

Magpie-larks breed from around August to December. Both male and female gather wet mud and build a bowl shaped nest on a horizontal branch or similar site up to 20metres above ground. They line the bowl with feathers and grasses. They can be aggressive in defence of their nest and territory. Both the male and female share incubation duties and care for the young.

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