last of the summer whine..

its me two year blip tomorrow.. so plans are afoot ..very modest ones that will involve a mobile phone bit of string.. some sticky tape and a lama ...ok the lama could be a decoy .....ill see what tomorrow brings..
today.. touted as the last day of summer.. and somehow i believe them.. although "they" say alot.and "they" get it wrong as well..for me it was the first day of hisss. a good day although.....i made a wrong turnimng.. not a calamity in a car ,, but in a artic.. made my bottom twitch..i landed in the middle of a town center where going forward was no longer an option,, reversing back was out of the question.. so that left turning this point i could of used the 4th option.. option 4 we only break out in case of emergency.. option 4 is get out of the truck ,,fall to your knees and cry like a baby..then face up to the sky and shout at god...although option 4 doesnt actually "do" anything it guarantees a bigger crowd than you first had..all wondering the chuffing ell is he gonner get that out of there....taking my lead from no drama obama.. i regained my composure and turned that bad boy around and got the hell out of there tout sweet...its all good.. note to self,, dont miss that turning again.. ever..

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