
By WhiskyFoxtrot

A Gift?

I had a meeting in Glasgow today so rode my bike to Waverley. It was a beautifully sunny day and it was a good meeting; productive and interesting. We were by the Clyde and along the riverside walk someone had written out "Suffer the Syrian children to come unto me."

Upon my arrival back in the Capital I found that someone had left a white paper bag in my bike basket. A gift? Who would have known I had parked my bike here when I never have before? It wasn't a gift - it was someone's food containers, presumably from lunch. They had chosen my basket as a bin instead of the bins readily available across the road.

The person hadn't eaten their crusts...

I'm grateful for a sense of humour.
I'm grateful that all my work revolves around wellbeing.
I'm grateful for these sunny days.

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