My Best Efforts - Year 3


Misty Morning.........

................and "The Stump" (St.Botolph's Parochial Church of Boston). This church is one of the largest parish churches in England, and it has the fourteenth highest church tower in England. The tower is approximately 272 feet (83 m) high. It can be seen for miles around, its prominence accentuated by the flat surrounding countryside known as The Fens. On a clear day, it can be seen from East Anglia on the other side of The Wash. The nickname, The Stump or Boston Stump, is often used affectionately as a reference to the whole church building or for the parish community housed by it.
The name "Boston" evolved from "Botolph's Town".
I like this image as it is not a view normally seen and the railings of the bridge are in sharp contrast to the mistiness of the rest of the scene. Hope you quite like it too!

I understand that ALED JONES is visiting and is in concert on Sat 28th Sept 2013

Although it is almost foggy at the moment, the weather shows every sign of it being another lovely day. Temperature at 65 Deg.F. already.

Hope everyone has a great day and that your weather is as good as ours!

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