Inspiring start

I often throw myself into photography assignments that I've never done before and put myself under huge pressure to deliver. I'd been asked to photograph a charity golf day for Teenage Cancer Trust at Oulton Hall Golf Course which meant trying to track 29 different foursomes teeing off from two different holes, get a photograph of each if the teams and also find some 'fun' shots to add some context to the day and then by 6:30 edit about 120 of the photos and add them to music - tough task but I did a great job and the organisers were really happy.

Driving in to the hotel at 7am I was treated this beautiful sight and so stopped the car on the driveway and jumped out to capture the sun rising over the misty grounds. It made an inspirational start to the day. If you like this image or any of the others I took on the day you can order an electronic copy from my website and the donation of £5 will be given to Teenage Cancer Trust.

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