Chick Flick

By Flick


Today I 'phoned my brother to make sure he wasn't coming to lunch today as he hadn't confirmed Saturday or Sunday.
Needless to say he came.
My Brother is a very late first-time father. Before Hannah was born he complained about the idea of fatherhood at'his age' (46) long and hard to my great amusement.
Suzy his wife was VERY patient about it all.
Of course after the event the difference is amazing.
He sits in school car parks to check out the parents and decides not THAT school.
He objects to pink for a girl ('Don't buy anything pink')and she arrives wearing that colour.
He talks endlessly about her magnificent achievements at 18 months something he was SO not interested in when it was my turn.
All in all he's doing well for someone of 'his age'
Today we went to the park with them and Henry and my daughter, and had lunch (I literally had nothing in)
It was quite surreal sitting there with 2 little ones neither of which was my responsibility.

Oh and she is the only niece I have so she is rather special.

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