
By WhiskyFoxtrot

Ginger Beer

A very sociable day at the day job. One of our colleagues is going on maternity leave so we had a lovely lunch for her and lots of giggles.

I was meant to pedal into town for a presentation but events conspired against me and I didn't make it. On the way back into the office, I met a colleague who was meant to go to the same presentation but was also confounded by events. We decided to get a homemade ginger beer at The Roseleaf and sit outside. We spent most of our time talking about topics common to both of our jobs. I certainly got more out of our conversation than I would have from the presentation so time well spent. Plus, my colleague kindly agreed to be my blip for today.

All is well.

I'm grateful for lovely work colleagues.
I'm grateful for another perfect September day.
I'm grateful for homemade ginger beer.

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