West Coaster

By WestCoaster

Simple City Sunrise

I am often in the city early, so early I often have the streets to myself, quiet, peaceful in a strange way calming before the cacophony of noise that accompanies the rush of daily life. I do not like the city when it is busy, I don't like the crowds, the noise, the hubbub.

As I walk I often find myself wondering what stories the streets could tell, to love and hate they would have witnessed, the joy and the sadness, hope and despair. It again lends itself to another lyrical entry, a little know singer song writer, John Kilzer wrote about this self same subject albeit he inspired by New York, the only analogy being both cities have a reputation of being tough, mean cities but in reality, they are like a lot of places, they have bad areas, image problems but they are also in the main very beautiful, in Glasgow you need only look up to appreciate the stunning architecture that graces this city.

If sidewalks talked
What would they say
About the sound of a soul flying away
Into the night from a wounded heart
Across the street from Central Park
Id Sidewalks talked would they say
Or would they just close their eyes and wipe the tears away?

If stones could sing layman's blues
Would the melody reach me and you
Would we understand what goes down
When a music man is spread on the ground
If stones could sing
Would we play our part
Or would we just remain prisoners of the dark?

If walls could pray, to whom would they
Cast their pleas after the blood's washed away
And would the sun still shine
On the broken glass
Do we have a right to even ask
If walls could pray
Would it be worthwhile
Lord I there truth in a wounded smile

If sideways talked
If stones could sing
If a wall could pray
Would it mean anything
If sidewalks talked ...

I hope you enjoy the silhouettes of a little part of the city, the spire you see is that of St. George's Tron Church which will feature as a future Blip, best viewed in large

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