
By Purplepants

Restoration House in the afternoon sunshine

TERM 1, DAY 1 -
In spite of it being my half day today I came home rather tired!
One of the dinner ladies was down so I had to supervise lunch time as well as teach my three lessons. ( Small room + over-excited small people = din. New caterers + new system of serving = mayhem.)
I had forgotten how hot our old Victorian rooms get full of bodies in the warm weather - quite sweaty... but the children were really quite good all-in-all.

NOT that I wish to complain about the lovely sunshine!

After school I walked to the High Street with Alex for a few supplies and to go to the bank. It was very pleasant.
We had to pass this building on the return leg. I have photographed it before but not used it as a blip - so today was its day!

Restoration House - gets its name from being where Charles II stayed on his way back to London (from his French exile) to be crowned. It was also a favourite of Charles Dickens who was seen outside here the day before he died. He used the big room upstairs as the setting for Miss Haversham's wedding feast room, apparently.

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