
By PrimeMart

You Can't Park That Thing There

Flying over my house this evening.

I live on a road in which everyone has a one car drive and a garage. The garages are inevitably full of 'man stuff,' which means that two car households frequently have one car parked in the road.

This causes great consternation to my gallic commuter pal.

'Marteeen,' he says 'why iz it that they parc like that. I ave to weave and swerve around dem.'

Apparently in France, (which you must understand has apparently cracked all sorts of social problems which we Brits have failed to address yet) the residents would all have to park one the left hand side of the road for the first half of the month, and on the right hand side for the second half of the month! It appears that this ingenious regulation completely negates the need for the French driver to swerve (also known as steering) !!!

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