
By snakelocks


Abbey lives next door. She jumps over the garden fence and comes to chat and play, or help me with little jobs around the house and garden. Sometimes we have some tea together. She's pretty cool - very imaginative, happy and friendly. Everything that most adults usually aren't. But today may be the last time I see her. I think she's off to Italy for a couple of weeks and I will have moved house by the time she gets back. I say 'think' because she's never too sure about times and dates and sometimes it's hard to know where reality ends and imagination or wishful thinking takes over with Abbey.

The first time I met Abbey she jumped into my garden and said "My cat died". Not a traditional conversational opener, but it makes a lasting impression. Today she told me that her granny had cancer and would soon die. So I guess death and Abbey's losses mark the start and the end of our relationship. Bye, Abbey. It wsa great to have known you.

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