Female Monarch!

The first one I've seen all summer! They are usually here in droves, but this year they have been all but absent. (Apparently they didn't have a good winter in Mexico, so there weren't many that made it up here.)

I was heading off to shoot something else when this beauty stopped by. Would you believe it(?)... For the second day in a row, I had my camera with me with the right lens on, at the right time! And to top it off, she was so interested in these flowers that she hardly noticed me. I was so afraid to approach, sure I'd scare her off, but at the most she'd flutter off a few feet and then reposition herself for more nectar. I was pretty pleased to not only see her, but to get several shots of her! Made my day. :)

She looks great large... Here are 2 more views of Miss Monarch and one of the Praying Mantis my husband found last night. (She's still hanging around the garden... so I'm hoping to make her the blip star another day.)

Then my mom came up for a visit later on in the afternoon. She'll be staying for a few days. :)) All that and a sunny, beautiful day... Not too shabby. ;)

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