As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

My Last First Day Of High School

Today, I walked into school for my last first day of school, and the weather was just as expected: lightning that illuminated the hallways and thunder that shook the classrooms. Bad weather on the first day of school is practically a Wantagh tradition at this point.

I was going to blip my last first steps into the high school this morning, but the administrators were greeting students by the front door and were in the way of where I was going to take the picture.

So I walked into school carrying my backpack, my camera bag, my running clothes, my shoes, a saxophone, and a bassoon. When I make an entrance, I make it one to remember. I tossed my instruments in my locker and headed towards the gym with Donna so I could claim a gym locker. We walked up to the office afterwards and said hello to Ms. Cahill and the rest of the crew.

Avery and I walked to homeroom together where we listened to the morning announcements to the tune of the storm brewing outside.

I had orchestra first period and I was upset to find out that we switched rooms with the chorus classes, meaning we're now in a smaller room. Oh well, life goes on.

Economics was rough this morning, and I can't imagine that the rest of the semester is going to be much different.

Italian was not as unpleasant as expected, but I'm sure that will change in a few days.

AP Enviro is going to be a blast this year. I like the subject matter of the course and I love Svolos' teaching methods.

Lunch, meaning last-minute calc summer assignment tune-up.

Speaking for Broadcast is going to be super rewarding, I can feel it already. More to come on this later.

I am in love with World Lit. Simple as that.

Calc is not nearly as scary as I had imagined, and Mr. B seems like he's going to make it as understandable as possible.


So that was how my first day of school went. I spoke to Mrs. T after school for a little bit about my Common App essay before heading to practice. I was actually more nervous for today's workout than I was for school. It ended up being three mile repeats on the Dirt Pail and I kicked that workout's butt; 5:30, 5:29, and 5:29. This workout got me so pumped for races to start.

I stopped in to LaTonja's office to grab four bags of ice for my ice bath when I got home. It was probably the best decision I made all day.

Dinner around 7:45, and then a solid hour of saxophone practice. I can already play the entire first marching band song, and I got so excited about it that I called up all three Drum Majors and both Band Council Presidents and played parts of it for them. Band is going to be so awesome this year.

So today isn't officially my third blipversary, so I'll save the really sappy stuff for then, but I will say this: I can't even believe that I'm already a senior. I started this blipfoto journal as a way to record and remember my time spent in high school. On that first day of freshman year almost three years ago, I could not have even imagined how much fun I would have in high school and how much it would change me for the better. So here's to one last amazing year of high school.

Just a little side note, I managed to make this picture somewhat significant; it's a picture of my last last steps out of the school on my last first day of school. I probably made that more confusing than it needed to be.

Goodnight, all. See you in the morning.

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