
By CreativeCarol

Bubbles & Chocolate

You cannot go wrong with either one. It is best to combine them:) I had a very long day with Moira. She was with me for 12 hours. Unfortunately, my daughter had to work late causing me to miss my yoga class. Moira is a joy and I love her dearly, but 12 hours was long even for me. A bubble bath was just the perfect thing to help me relax. I settled in with my kindle, a bottle of water and my favorite treat - A Dove Dark Chocolate bar with Almonds! My secret addition is now out in the open. I have a little pillow that sits on my bed that says "Chocolate is not just for Breakfast Anymore." I figure that if I eat healthy 99% of the time, a little chocolate can't hurt! right?

I have hit two of the September Heartfreek Challenge words with this Blip. Bubbles and Your Addiction. Yeah, I am one day ahead.

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