Little raspberry hunter

Here's Bear, foraging for late raspberries in the garden for breakfast in the morning sunshine.

Been a day of... well, not exactly two halves. This morning has been tough. Managed to upset several people, not on purpose, just by being an emotional numpty who should just not say anything on days like today. I wish it was as simple as blaming it on the monthly hormone imbalance and telling people to stay away, but I can't really just tell people to go away or suffer the consequences. Bleh. Steve took the boys with him into town to get a couple of extra camping bits we needed and to give me some space, but after I'd stopped crying at them abandoning me (can't win!!) I followed and joined them for a walkabout and some fresh air.

Bean said he wanted to go to a café for lunch but both Steve and I felt that the memories from last weekend's café experiences with the boys were still to raw to even contemplate another café visit, especially in my imbalanced state.

But we got our extra bits (including some new enamel bowls in the sale which are so pretty they might become our day to day bowls, not just reserved for camping!) and got home and packed the car and headed off for the campsite. I'd love to say that the grumpiness abated once we were on our way but it was only really once the tent was unfolded that I suddenly felt like I could breathe again and almost cried at the relief.

The boys helped with the tent pitching by climbing all over the inside of the car. They were rewarded for putting up with Steve's increasing levels of frustration as he finished pitching by himself (while I raced back to Worthing for band practise) with their assistance with a walk to the beach for a chip supper.

We've put some friend tracker / finder app on our phones so that when I lose my phone (it happens a lot) Steve can at least see whereabouts I've left it, so they tracked my progress from Worthing back to the campsite with much excitement - huge excitement when Steve checked and said oh she's REALLY close - look out of the window!!

Funny though, once the boys were asleep, we found ourselves bored with no campfire so went to bed early!

Happiness really is, today, being safely under canvas with imy little family, enjoying some much needed breathing space.

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