
Basking in the sun :)

Another corker of a day! Roasty toasty!

After work which was uneventful apart from the baby herring gull wandering in through the open doors, we headed down to the beach. Nice and quiet so we headed out to the poles. Oscar was allowed off lead after about a mile. He loves to sniff. At one point I realised Oscar was lagging behind. Imagine my shock when I spotted him 10 yards away staring at what looked like a wolf lying on the sand another 10 yards or so from him! Panic! Oscar rushed up but, and (at this point I must add it was not, I realised, a wolf but a husky dog sans owner) then sniffed and smiled and wagged his tail. Like a normal dog! No fur and feathers and when the owner did mange to call the wolf back all was well. What a good lad :)

On the way back from the beach we headed in through the woods and Oscar managed to bark at a buzzard and engage in a futile chase after a deer! A very eventful walk.

Enjoyed the bake off...the right ones went tonight but I have my next candidate for the chop lined up in my mind!

Time for a small chilled nightcap :)

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