Amidst the ivy

Pio sat atop this newly chopped tree trunk. He was high up; too high by all accounts. He had a wee panic, before making a somewhat undignified descent. Truly, it was my fault as I was aware that the temporary piece of trellis that JL had put there was most definitely not going to bear Pio's not inconsiderable weight. As a result, he had to find an alternative descent route. All's well that ends well though, and Pio earnt himself a lick from Cousteau and a scratch under the chin from me.

I love a happy ending.

Rae had her Junior Lawyer Debate this evening. She did very well, and, unlike some of the others (particularly the guys), she did not feel the need to descend into smutty innuendoes. That's my girl!

I'm actually posting this tomorrow morning, if you catch my drift. The wind and rain are doing their thing outside and Cousteau will not be getting his morning constitutional as I have to race out of the door to work.

He doesn't look too upset by that, all curled up and warm.


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