
By RichardLyons


This is my elder daughter, Heather. I am particularly proud of her as this is her on the ferry to Jersey where she is spending a year working at the world famous Durrell Wildlife Park.

She is there as a student from Salford University where she is studying Wildlife Conservation with Zoo Biology. Between second and third year the students are required to work in an animal/wildlife conservation facility for a year and produce various written works as part of their course.

I am particularly proud as Heather went all through Primary and Secondary education, and spent 2 years at college (NC and HNC Animal Care) and nearly 2 years at University before she was diagnosed as being severely dyslexic (or sexydickslick as she once wrote).

I of course strongly voiced my concerns at every opportunity (especially school parents nights) but was merely ignored.

Just how in this day and age severe dyslexia can go undetected during 14 years of education is beyond me.

It is to Heather's credit that she has done so well to get to where she is today.

The coloured glasses help with Irlan Syndrome which Heather also has. This is a condition similar to dyslexia. The individually prescribed coloured lenses prevent the letters having wavy lines and the blocks of text from moving around the page.

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