Who am I to disagree?

By longshanks

Grove Ferry NNR & Oare Marshes

18th September last year I saw my first Spotted Crake, but I was so busy trying to get the guy next to me on to it I never got a photo. So with one being reported fairly regularly from the viewpoint at Grove Ferry that was today's target. Unfortunately what I'd forgotten is the viewpoint at Grove Ferry looks directly south into the sun and the reeds at the back of the pool where it lurks are exceedingly distant. We gave up rather easily and headed to the better positioned David Feast hide. No Spotted Crake there, but really excellent views of Bittern, Kingfisher, Snipe and Water Rail.

A quick and fruitless look again from the viewpoint as we headed out to the day's second venue, Oare Marshe, hopefully for a Temminck's Stint, a bird I've only once seen and that exceedingly distantly.

No Temminck's Stint, but Curlew Sandpiper, Dunlin, Golden Plover, Ruff, Ringed Plover, Knot, Black-tailed Godwit and Linnet made excellent viewing. We'd missed out on our two target birds, but had a great day.

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